
What's Your Wedding Planning Style?


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Do you know your wedding planning style? Are you the type of person who will immerse themselves in every aspect of their wedding the moment you are engaged? Who will fuss about every detail – the location, the dress & the flowers? Or do you like to approach things a little more slowly, take your time & get every detail just so? Perhaps you have already done your wedding planning & know exactly where you will get married, when it will be & what you will be wearing! For some couples, a long engagement is perfect & after maybe 6 months they have got no further than booking the ceremony venue.

No matter what your wedding planning style is, it is perfectly okay to have everything already mapped out or to take your time. If you have rushed headlong into the whole wedding process then perhaps you will find yourself in need of some much needed relaxation & stress busting. If you have the major elements out of the way, such as the ceremony & reception then take some time out & do something fun like making wedding favors or choosing your wedding wine.

At the other end of the scale, however, if you have been dragging your heels a bit & haven’t really got much achieved, it is time to look at your wedding checklist & see where you’re at. If it all seems too daunting & you can’t face finding your reception venue just yet, then start by doing a fun task first, such as choosing a wedding theme, wedding favors or finding your wedding music.

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